Electric Car Charger Services in the Denver Metro Area
At Dutch Creek Electric, we are passionate about helping people eliminate the use of fossil fuels by going electric. One of the ways we make it easy for homeowners to make the energy transition is by installing electric car chargers. Whether you have owned an EV for a while or are thinking about buying your first, installing a charging station at your residence can ensure you get the most out of your new energy-saving vehicle. Our electric car charger installation experts are here to ensure your unit has everything it needs to quickly charge your EV.
Contact Dutch Creek Electric today at (303) 622-3744 for a free estimate on your EV charging station installation in the Denver Metro area.

Level 2 Home Charging Stations
Electric vehicles come with a basic charger that can be plugged into a standard 120-volt outlet. This type of charger is called a Level 1 charger. Unfortunately, Level 1 chargers can take up to 24 hours to fully charge an EV battery. You can expect to receive 3 to 5 miles of range per hour of charge. If you are only traveling short distances, this option may be okay. However, Level 1 chargers can present a problem for those who have longer journeys.
The solution is a Level 2 charger. By installing this advanced charging station in your home, you’ll enjoy 11 to 28 miles of range added per hour, which means your battery can reach full charge in as little as 4 to 6 hours. A Level 2 charger is typically mounted to a wall on the inside of a garage, and it requires a 240-volt circuit. You may also require an electrical panel upgrade to handle the new circuit. When you rely on Dutch Creek Electric for your EV charger installation, we’ll take care of every part of the process, from determining the best placement for the charger to installing the 240-volt circuit to performing any necessary upgrade of your electrical panel.

Is Charging an Electric Vehicle Cheaper Than Gas?
You might be wondering if purchasing an EV and installing a charging station will really save you money, since you still have to pay for the electricity needed to charge your car. The answer is yes. The cost of electricity is cheaper than gas to power your vehicle. According to a recent study by Consumer Reports, EV owners typically save between $800 to $1,000 a year on fuel costs. This amounts to anywhere between $6,000 to $10,000 in fuel savings over the life of the electric vehicle.
Lower Maintenance & Repair Costs
Decreasing the amount you’ll pay for fuel is not the only way you can save money with an EV. Consumer Report’s analysts have also found that electric vehicles are cheaper to maintain than gasoline-powered vehicles. The average savings on maintenance and repairs enjoyed by the EV owner is about $4,600 over the lifetime of the vehicle.
Experienced Electricians Partnering with the Experts at Qmerit
Our team is a proud certified partner with Qmerit, the industry-leader in sustainable and innovative energy solutions.
Ready to Get Started Today?All of our electricians are licensed, insured, and highly trained—working tirelessly to ensure you feel comfortable and confident in your service. We provide solutions and experience with every job. Our team is up for the task.
Embrace The Future With Our ServicesWith over a decade of experience, Dutch Creek Electric is here to help you find innovative, effective, and long-lasting electrical solutions to bring your home into a greener era.
Visit Our Online Store Now
Shop now for top-quality electric vehicle chargers, battery storage systems, smart electric panels, and more at our online store. Start your journey towards sustainable energy solutions today!
Request An EV Installation QuoteLearn more about how our experienced team can help with installing your EV battery systems.